
Edith Cowan University - Perth


The course is designed to equip graduates with industry relevant skills across a full range of core civil engineering subject areas including surveying, soil mechanics, engineering geology, structural analysis and design, hydrology, and transportation engineering, as well as construction technology and site management.


36 Bulan

AUD 31,500 / Tahun

Edith Cowan University - Perth



Edith Cowan University (ECU) is an Australian public university located in Perth, Western Australia. It was named after the first woman to be elected to an Australian ParliamentEdith Cowan, and is the only Australian university named after a woman.

ECU is situated in Western Australia, with more than 30,000 students at undergraduate and postgraduate level, approximately 6,000 of whom are international students originating from over 100 countries outside Australia.

ECU was granted university status in 1991 and was formed from an amalgamation of teachers’ colleges with a history dating back to 1902 when the Claremont Teachers College was established, making ECU the modern descendant of the first institution of higher education in Western Australia.[4]

The university offers more than 300 courses across two metropolitan campuses, in Mount Lawley and Joondalup, and a regional campus in the South West, Bunbury, 200 km south of Perth;[5] many courses are also offered for study online. Additionally, the university has partnerships with several education institutions to conduct courses and programs offshore.[6]

Amongst its divisions are the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA), an important performing arts training academy;[7] the School of Nursing and Midwifery, which offers a large undergraduate nursing program and the School of Education which offers a wide range of secondary teaching specialisations. The university also provides Psychology and Community Studies, and is home to the WA Screen Academy, one of Australia’s leading film schools.

In the 2019 Student Experience Survey, the Edith Cowan University recorded the fifth highest student satisfaction rating out of all Australian universities, and the highest student satisfaction rating out of all public Western Australian universities, with an overall satisfaction rating of 83.3

Persyaratan Masuk

All applicants must meet the academic admission requirements for this course. The indicative or guaranteed ATAR is as published (where applicable) or academic admission requirements may be satisfied through completion of one of the following:

  • AQF Cert IV;
  • Successfully completed 0.25 EFTSL of study at bachelor level or higher at an Australian higher education provider (or equivalent);
  • Special Tertiary Admissions Test;*
  • University Preparation Course;*
  • Indigenous University Orientation Course;*
  • Aboriginal University Readiness Assessment; or*
  • Experience Based Entry Scheme.*

* Further information can be found on the Study course entry page.

For international students, requirements include your secondary school results.


Course Learning Outcomes

  • Apply broad discipline knowledge to a range of theoretical and practical situations in Arts disciplines.
  • Think critically to analyse, interpret and conceptualise complex Arts knowledge.
  • Think creatively to anticipate challenges and generate solutions/responses.
  • Use digital technologies and Arts related literacies to access, evaluate and synthesise relevant information from multiple sources.
  • Communicate Arts disciplinary knowledge and ideas clearly, coherently and with independence.
  • Demonstrate a global outlook with respect for cultural diversity, including Indigenous cultural competence.
  • Work collaboratively and demonstrate initiative to implement social, sustainable, and ethical values through appropriate disciplinary methods.
  • Demonstrate autonomy, accountability and judgement for own learning and scholarship.

Prospek Kerja

Public Servant, Government Adviser, International Consultant, Foreign Affairs Officer, Historian, Social Researcher, Heritage Consultant, Policy Analyst, Writer, Editor

Student Story


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